In light of the recent school threats across the country, I assure you that our student and staff safety and security continue to be our highest priority. The District maintains a Multi-Hazard and Emergency Specific plan to guide us through an emergency. These plans were developed in collaboration with our local emergency services and the Pennsylvania State Police. Our plan is reviewed annually and filed with the Greene County Emergency Management Agency and the Pennsylvania State Police.
Our comprehensive plan includes security drills, evacuation points and procedures, primary and alternate bus routes, and a parent reunification plan. Additionally, the District maintains a threat assessment team. Using the diverse professional backgrounds of our staff, this team strives to identify students and provide intervention for any student whose behavior may indicate a threat to the safety of the student, other students, school employees, school facilities, the community, or others.
We ask that all community members take any threat seriously and immediately report the threat to the District or the Pennsylvania State Police. The District also maintains and participates in the anonymous reporting system Safe 2 Say. Anyone can make a report through the Safe 2 Say website or app.